Persona Intervenida
ID | Pregunta | Respuesta |
1.11 | ¿Cuál era [su edad] [la edad de la persona intervenida] al momento de la intervención? | 30 |
1.14 | 27. ¿Cuál es el grado educativo más alto que alcanzó la persona intervenida? | Bachillerato |
1.17 | 28. ¿Cuál es la nacionalidad de persona intervenida? ¿Dónde nació la persona intervenida? | estadounidense estadounidense |
1.21 | [789 show=”field_label”] | [789] |
1.22 | 32. ¿Con cuál género se identifica la persona intervenida? | Mujer |
1.25 | 30. ¿A qué se dedica la persona intervenida? | Consultora, Educación |
ID | Pregunta | Respuesta |
2.01 | 5. ¿A qué se debió la intervención de la Policía? * | Intervención general |
2.02 | 5a. ¿En qué protesta o manifestación ocurrió la intervención de la Policía? * | |
2.03 | [334 show=”field_label”] | |
2.04 | [335 show=”field_label”] | |
2.07 | [475 show=”field_label”] | |
2.08 | [476 show=”field_label”] |
ID | Pregunta | Respuesta |
3.01 | 5a. ¿En qué protesta o manifestación ocurrió la intervención de la Policía? * | |
3.02 | 6. El oficial de la Policía, ¿utilizó fuerza física o algún instrumento (macana, esposas, descarga eléctrica, agarres, golpes, vehículos, etc) contra la persona intervenida? | Sí |
3.03 | 7. Como consecuencia de esta intervención, la persona intervenida: * | Se afectó emocionalmente |
3.04 | 7a. Por favor describa el tipo de herida que recibió la persona intervenida y el lugar del cuerpo afectado. | |
3.05 | 7b. ¿Los oficiales procuraron que la persona intervenida haya recibido tratamiento médico? | |
3.06 | 7b. ¿Los oficiales procuraron tratamiento médico previo a su fallecimiento? | |
3.11 | Otro uso de fuerza | |
3.12 | 9. Explíquenos, por favor, en detalle todo lo que pasó y cómo fue la intervención de la policía. |
I’m a mixed Black woman, but I’ve lived and worked in Puerto Rico for over two years, and have ancestors on the island because of the slave trade. I am a birth mom and single mother, and have a working class background but freelance in tech now. I started work at a restaurant in Old San Juan this summer, mostly on the weekends. We close after midnight and the boss usually gives me a ride home, but one night after work [Monday, July 3rd after 12:00 a.m.] he couldn’t. When I got out of my shift my phone was at 4% [battery], so I couldn’t get an Uber. I was having a smoke across from the restaurant when a couple ran into me and when I told them about my phone the girl asked if I wanted to charge in her car. We were walking on Calle de la Luna on the way to their car, the girl was interested in my work, we were talking, and the man started talking and he kicked a traffic cone in the street. Suddenly, an officer [from the San Juan Municipal Police] walks out of a building and starts yelling and arguing with the guy, saying he saw on camera who kicked the cone and that he had to pick it up. The officer ended up picking up the cone and continued being aggressive. The officer goes back inside and comes back with a bunch of police officers. He tells them that we’re being aggressive and everything starts escalating. It’s chaos. Everyone is yelling. I don’t even know how many officers were there. You can’t see because of the darkness and the lights of the cars passing by the streets, but they had to be around twenty or thirty officers that night. The officer yelled that his “uniform was important and that you should respect it”. He had a gun [on plain sight], so I’m like “yall we can’t do this.” Then, the officer and the girl’s boyfriend started pushing each other. At one point I slip between them, suddenly I’m in the middle of this and get pushed. I’m a domestic violence survivor and autistic, so I don’t like men touching me. I tell him: “you’re a police officer. I’m not doing anything wrong. You should be embarrassed. If you don’t apologize I’m going to file a report,” but no one is listening to me because I’m speaking English. I ask for a translator to be brought [on the scene], but they keep ignoring me. I am angry and scared. I was yelling. The Police were also yelling, but also laughing and talking shit. I don’t even know what you would call this situation. While being pushed by the officers, I spat on the cement in between two of them. When I turned around at least five officers started to handcuff me from behind. I’m angry. I don’t even know what to do. My phone wasn’t charged and I didn’t even know who to call in that situation. I told the Police to read me my rights because I knew that when they did this they had to tell me why I was being arrested. But no one claimed to understand what I was saying. There was one sergeant who understood what I was saying. I’ve lived here for two years, I know when someone is understanding me with their body language. I told him: “I know you know what’s happening is wrong because you look very embarrassed by all of this”. [However], he said nothing. I asked for my belongings, but received no answer. They handcuffed me and tried to put me in the back of a car. I was not going to go in a car with armed men in the middle of the night. I am Black. I know what happens to Black people when they are in Police custody with armed officers at night. I sat down on the ground and refused to be put in the car. When they finally put me inside the vehicle, the same officer that arrested me drove the car while having his gun out. This same officer would later accuse me of false charges in front of the judge. They took me to the Barrio Obrero Police Station. I was very angry and triggered. I wanted them to charge my phone and call somebody to me, but all they said was that I had an attitude and was too loud, and that’s why they couldn’t do anything for me. That’s why they didn’t give me my call and continued to ignore me. Finally, they gave me a paper to sign away my rights. I didn’t sign it. Then, a guy was trying to search me, but then they got police women. They put me in a holding cell overnight. The next day they told me I was going to court in Bayamón. At this point, I still didn’t receive my phone call and no one knew what was going on. When we went to the courthouse for my hearing, they put me in another cell because the judge didn’t speak English and had to wait for a translator. I had to wait, handcuffed, for hours. They tried it again with a translator on video conference, but the connection kept failing. When the hearing was finally held, the police officer that arrested me read a document with two pages of bullshit, [alleging] that things escalated because I was being aggressive to people and that I punched and pushed him. Now, I have felony charges against me for assaulting a police officer. After the hearing, I waited while being handcuffed in the courthouse for hours. I was not allowed to speak the whole time. Finally, they gave me my belongings back. My phone’s screen was broken. I found out later the police officers were kicking my bag around for fun after they arrested me. I charged my phone enough to call my boss. He got to the courthouse, paid my bail and got me out of there. |
3.13 | 10. ¿Considera que le trataron adecuadamente? Puede abundar todo lo que desee. (Si este asunto se contesto anteriormente no tienen que realizar esta pregunta) |
I know for a fact that laws were broken. These are things that you are not supposed to do. I have a serious issue with everything that happened. I feel like my civil rights were violated. I am pissed off because of what happened. But, this is what the reputation of the San Juan Police is all about. I come home and, I’m a researcher, so I start reading. I saw serious issues with the Police, like civil rights being violated. |
3.14 | 11. ¿Cómo se sintió emocionalmente? Puede abundar todo lo que desee. (Si este asunto se contesto anteriormente no tienen que realizar esta pregunta) |
This triggers a lot of things for me. I felt very triggered, honestly. I’m a strong person, I have been abused, strangled, raped, starved, I tried to commit suicide, I gave my children away… to be treated like this, because of a uniform, by people who look like me is a disgrace to the lives of our ancestor who were enslaved here. A lot of things came back to me because of how painful all of this [police intervention] was. If you [the Police] do this to women for fun, what hope is there for climate change? We have to change this. |
3.15 | 12. ¿[Usted] [la persona intervenida] estaba armada? | No |
3.16 | 12a. ¿Qué tipo de arma portaba? | |
3.17 | ¿Cuál arma blanca? | |
3.18 | ¿Qué otro tipo de arma portaba? |
Detalles de la intervención
ID | Pregunta | Respuesta |
4.01 | 20. El agente de la Policía, ¿dijo la razón para llevar a cabo la intervención? | No |
4.02 | 20a. ¿Qué razón dijo para llevar a cabo la intervención? | |
4.03 | 21. El oficial de la Policía, ¿advirtió que utilizaría fuerza física contra la persona intervenida? | No |
4.04 | 21a. ¿La advertencia de fuerza física fue de forma amenazante? | |
4.05 | 21b. Por favor, ¿puede dar detalles sobre esta advertencia de fuerza física? | |
4.06 | 22. El oficial de la Policía, ¿amenazó de alguna forma a la persona intervenida? | No sé |
4.07 | 22a. Por favor, ¿puede dar detalles sobre esta amenaza? | |
4.08 | 23. Como resultado de la intervención, ¿hubo alguna multa? | No |
4.09 | 23a. ¿Cuál es la causa de la multa según el boleto? | |
4.1 | 24. Como resultado de la intervención, ¿hubo alguna citación al tribunal? | Sí |
4.11 | 24a. ¿Cuál es la causa de la citación según el boleto? | Aggression and violence |
4.12 | 25. A la persona intervenida, ¿el oficial de la Policía le arrestó o le impidió abandonar el lugar en algún momento? | Arrestado |
4.13 | 26. ¿Se presentó alguna querella contra algún oficial involucrado? | No |
4.14 | 26a. Añada el número de querella: | |
4.15 | 26b. ¿Cuál es la causa de la querella según el boleto? |
ID | Pregunta | Respuesta |
5.01 | 16. ¿Cuántos oficiales intervinieron? | 25 |
5.02 | 17. ¿Qué tipo de oficial de la Policía intervino? ¿Fueron estatales, municipales, federales u otros? | Policía municipal |
5.03 | 17a. Seleccione la municipalidad de los oficiales | San Juan |
5.04 | 18. El oficial de la Policía, ¿tenía su nombre y placa visibles en su uniforme? | |
5.05 | 19. ¿Tiene usted el nombre del oficial o su número de placa? | Sí |
5.06 | Nombre de oficial de la Policía | Ramón Pagan, Gilberto Otero Rivera |
5.07 | # Placa de oficial | 5-1468, 1326 |
5.08 | Jurisdicción |
Lugar de la intervención
ID | Pregunta | Respuesta |
6.02 | *No usar – 13. ¿En qué lugar específicamente ocurrió la intervención? | Calle de la Luna, San Juan Antiguo, San Juan, Puerto Rico |
6.03 | [436 show=”field_label”] | [436] |
6.04 | 14. ¿Cuándo ocurrió la intervención? | 03/07/2023 |
6.05 | 15. ¿A qué hora ocurrió la intervención? | 3:30 AM |
6.08 | municipio_intervencion | San Juan |
ID | Pregunta | Respuesta |
7.11 | Fuentes de información: * | Entrevista a persona intervenida |
Caso #8438
Fin de la información